Expert opinion from Tanya Van Aswegen

Master of Public Health/BSc in Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 14 years of experience · Australia

Basil is a fragrant herb with many different varieties that is used all over the world for cooking. Basil leaves contain a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants that help fight free radicals which could cause cell damage in the body and thereby increase the risk of diseases. These antioxidants are however destroyed in the process of manufacturing dried basil and to some extent in the cooking process when using fresh basil in cooked food dishes. Eating raw basil leaves in salads, to finish off homemade pizzas or pastas, or in sandwiches, would therefore provide the most health benefits. Fresh basil can be kept in the refrigerator, wrapped in a slightly damp cloth or paper towel to maintain freshness.

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Expert opinion from Julia Rocha

Bachelor in Nutrition · 3 years of experience · Brazil

Yes, basil leaves can be consumed raw as long as they are well sanitized before consumption. You can consume them along with other salad leaves or with tomato and cheese, it is a good combination, it depends on your creativity and your taste.

Expert opinion from Shadia Djakovic

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics · 10 years of experience · Australia

Yes, basil leaves can be eaten raw. Add raw basil leaves to salads or as a garnish on pizza or pasta. Raw basil can also be blended with nuts and seeds and used to make pesto.

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